Monthly Archives: October 2016

Our One-Sided Race War


If you are like most folks in this once-great country of ours, you probably think of one thing first when you hear the phrase “racially motivated violence”: the all-too-familiar image of a cop (usually white) shooting a black male (usually young).  This is by design.  “Whites kill blacks.  Evil whites kill blacks.  Evil whites kill innocent blacks.  Evil whites kill innocent blacks daily and nobody is doing anything about it.”  Again and again it is drummed into our consciousness until we almost believe it.  But is it reality?


If you peel back a few layers of The Matrix that the (((media establishment))) has created and maintains with tireless diligence, you can find some surprising – and shocking – examples of truly racially motivated violence.  And not just simple pistol shootings either.  I’m talking about dismemberments, gang rapes, kidnappings, stabbings, feeding to alligators, and gasoline-soaked immolations (but not necessarily in that order).  And the victims aren’t the same virile young men (who invariably were “good boys” who “didn’t do nuthin’“) described in the infotainment delivery hypnotic-electronic trance state machinery I described above – they are typically elderly, young women, and sometimes even children.  Sounds to me like the spirit of Nat Turner has returned and is stalking the land in search of the weakest and most defenseless whites upon which to prey.


Nat Motherfucking Turner.

That’s my rhyme and I’m sticking to it.  Nat Turner was a mass-murderer who is deified in a film that was released today.  I’ll let you research Nat’s murder spree on your own.  Suffice it to say he was a bad man.  And, in 2016, he is a hero to many.  Why?  Because he killed evil white slave-owning devils…and their wives…and children…in their beds…with an axe.

Today’s blacks aren’t nearly so righteously violent as ol’ Nat Turner.  Today’s blacks seem to prefer a bit of debasement with their bloodshed.  They want you to feel it, suffer for your privilege, and then go up in a cloud of smoke.  Here are just a few recent examples, please take the time to respect and remember each victim:

Dorothy Dow, 83, beaten and burned alive.

Gene Emory Dacus, an 85 year old Korean War vet. Beaten and burned alive.

Paul Monchnick, 91. Burned alive.

Martha Schell, 100, died after being brutally raped by a burglar.

Brittanee Drexel, 17, kidnapped, repeatedly raped, shot, and then fed to alligators.

Bottom line: the Black Lives Matter narrative has it backwards.  Blacks are simply not being slaughtered by whites in some kind of bizarre “race war”.  But it sure seems like there are a lot of white folks being killed by blacks, and in gruesome and cruel ways too.  So how can this be a “race war” when only one side is fighting?

Since there are more than five whites for every black in this country, Nat Turner’s followers have their work cut out for them.  I guess we are just being polite white folks by letting them have a head start.